Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dumb and Dumber - southern fried wut?

Have you ever seen 'b' TV so fake?

Seriously, what the hell is the FBI doing? So far in this 'reality' show, they've taken down a major identity theft ring; destroyed a drug-smuggling ring run out of a funeral home; and let's not forget all the run-of-the-mill P.I. stuff they manage to squeeze in to an otherwise busy life. Oh yes, and all of this while dragging a full field camera unit (at least one) with them!

The FBI, CIA, CSIS, MI5 and all the other Interpol members should be contacting these guys for tips and help!

This is not reality but Freakality TV at its best. The fake perpetrators, the over-acting victims... give me a break. Even the existing Wikipedia on the show - although incomplete - talks about the show being scripted.

This is just a lame attempt at Gollywood by an out of work, overweight and obviously overly-self-confident ex-State Trooper trying to subsidise his pension, while holding total contempt for the intelligence of the audience. Go play cops and robbers with someone else's money Jay...

12' security guards that get taken down by an overweight munchkin! The yard boss who is so shocked! The female being stalked by her neighbor's husband! A computer store owner who is a high rolling identity theft boss! Guys throwing out Hazardous Waste without hazmat suits (oh, and Jay and the gang take 'em down, also without any protection!!) OMG!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why a Soap Box for TV?

Just to clear up a few things... My expertise in critiquing TV, in all its glory, comes from more than 40 years of experience. Developed from the days of beautiful black and white TV shows, to the now over-commercialised, over-sensationalised, rubbish that appears on the box today, my skills have been honed through strategic study and observation of TV and its development.

I have had the privilege of observing the development of the media on two continents, covering 5 countries... and that's a lot of coverage. I have also watched TV from the days of analogue OTA to Cable to Satellite, all seen as improvements over the other. We'll see.

I am also a sociologist, and take a great deal of pleasure in watching how we (the people) react to what we are fed... in the papers, on the radio, and via TV and Film.

What don't I have? I don't have a tolerance for the garbage that is being fed through this media in a way that is supposed to present it as factual, instructional, evidential, or real. I will attack whatever irks me, and you may read it or not. You may agree or not. What I hope you will do is, if you have an opinion, express it here. That's what the blog is for.

Stay tuned...