Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Star in Me

So, to continue my rant against the most inappropriately named individual on TV today, I am here once more to whine about Star Jones.

When she got fired from Apprentice (YEAH!!!! YIPEEE!!!!!), she looked like a spoiled child that had had her candy taken away by the school bully. I thought she was going to cry and ask for her mommy!

However, for some obscure reason, she got to come back for the finale, to help John Rich in his final task. So, what does Ms Jones do to redeem herself?

Apologise for being the biggest bitch on TV? No.

Ask for a chance at redemption? No.

Hit on the project manager, who is already happily married and has a one year old boy? YES!!

Could you be more crass!! Jones has to be the most ignorant, insensitive and arrogant individual ever to be invited to repeatedly make an ass of herself before millions of TV viewers. She did it when she left the View, and again with her disguting performance on Apprentice. This is like going back to look at roadkill!

Dare I say it... I would prefer to have to sit and watch an entire episode of Omarosa's biography than have to endure this Jones woman again. Get her off the show, and don't ever afford her the privilege of having her face appear in public again... for anything!

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