Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Star in Me

So, to continue my rant against the most inappropriately named individual on TV today, I am here once more to whine about Star Jones.

When she got fired from Apprentice (YEAH!!!! YIPEEE!!!!!), she looked like a spoiled child that had had her candy taken away by the school bully. I thought she was going to cry and ask for her mommy!

However, for some obscure reason, she got to come back for the finale, to help John Rich in his final task. So, what does Ms Jones do to redeem herself?

Apologise for being the biggest bitch on TV? No.

Ask for a chance at redemption? No.

Hit on the project manager, who is already happily married and has a one year old boy? YES!!

Could you be more crass!! Jones has to be the most ignorant, insensitive and arrogant individual ever to be invited to repeatedly make an ass of herself before millions of TV viewers. She did it when she left the View, and again with her disguting performance on Apprentice. This is like going back to look at roadkill!

Dare I say it... I would prefer to have to sit and watch an entire episode of Omarosa's biography than have to endure this Jones woman again. Get her off the show, and don't ever afford her the privilege of having her face appear in public again... for anything!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Star Jones' true colours - bitchy!

I used to respect Star Jones when she was on the View. Then I found out who she really is - she went on Celebrity Apprentice and showed her true colours. She obviously got where she was going by bullying, bitching, and shoving her way through life. She apparently spells team with two M's  -  Me, Myself and I.

No wonder Al hit the bricks in a hurry - an ex District Attorney with an attitude and an ego bigger than her hips! Maybe she should have stayed with Law - she was surely good at it, guilty or not I'm sure she sent them to jail.

She should stop drinking vinegar for breakfast - that might do something for her attitude.

Monday, February 21, 2011

More vulgarity from Oprah

I can't believe the show I've just seen on Oprah... or perhaps I should, as this woman seems capable of just about any sort of self-promoting, flamboyant, vulgar displays of decadence that you can imagine.

Of course, her 'out' to avoid this type of critique is, she didn't do anything, it was all the show's sponsors (read Walmart and Caesar's Palace). Bull shit!

Should we believe that the Oprah show doesn't get anything out of this? Are they doing it out of some altruistic and pure motivation to better people's lives? Garbage... she is self-promoting and vulgar, and the American audiences are stupid enough to believe that her demonstrations of generosity are based on benevolence.

It's disgusting, but no surprise, that networks fight each other to cram this rubbish onto their prime time channels.

Use your money to solve poverty; persuade Walmart to provide homeless shelters in the cities where they have stores; make Caesar's Palace offer free rooms and meals to the unemployed in Las Vegas... that's true benevolence. Oprah, you have so much manipulative power over the idiots in the US (corporate and civilian) that they would willingly bow to anything that comes from your mouth.

Oprah... want to be one of the most powerful women in the world for a good and just reason? Cut out the corporate crap and do more to make people's lives better. Make the US a better place to live for everyone, not just the chosen sextuplets that look good on TV!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Truth in advertising

This link will take you to the Canadian advertising standards website. Here, they'll have you believe that Truth in advertising matters.

So... in that case, the commercial that ran over the holiday season encouraging you to buy Dad a burger must have been true in its premise that Dad is not only an afterthought, but also only worth a burger's value to his family.

As a Dad, I take absolute umbrage with that claim. I am not an afterthought, either in my own mind or that of my family's! I refuse to let some jerk advertising company make me feel like a loser who is only worth a burger to his loved ones.

How dare you!! If that's what you truly think of me, then shove your burger, profits, and any hopes of seeing me in your stores where the sun doesn't shine. Hopefully your saturated fat-filled ground pork will clear your colons and save the medical industry a bundle in taking care of helping you move your bowels through a colon that has a head blocking it!!